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We want to work to increase knowledge and awareness in the field of web3 security. We regularly publish articles describing niche topics, issues and solutions.

Ethereum signatures for hackers and auditors 101

In real world you can sign documents using your personal signature, which is assumed to be unique and proves that you support, acknowledge or commit something. The same can be done on ethereum blockchain and in solidity smart contracts – but using cryptography. In this article, we will briefly explain

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Common proxy vulnerabilities in Solidity – part 2

In the previous part, we explained some of typical proxy issues related to initialization, lack of state update or frontrunning. In this part, we would like to talk a bit about function and storage conflicts and also about decentralization. Proxy function clashing This vulnerability is unlikely to be found unless

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Automated auditing part 2 – usage of AI for Smart Contracts testing

Introduction Creating a project or solution from scratch is a difficult and time-consuming process. A business concept must first be developed, then it must be translated into a high-level solution architecture, and finally the software development stage takes place. Because we will be focusing on hypothetical smart contracts in this

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Common proxy vulnerabilities in Solidity part 1

Proxies are used to implement upgradeability in Solidity smart contracts. They serve as a middleman between a contract and its users. They are employed to change a contract’s logic without altering its address. A master copy contract and a proxy contract that refers to the master copy are how proxies

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